Box Culverts
With our use of Western Form panels, as well as EFCO forms, we have the ability to produce custom precast Box Culverts the competition just cannot. Send us an email or give us a call and we will gladly get to work helping you on your next project.
Paul Heidt
V.P. of Specialty Sales
732-938-4436 Ext. 128

Precast Concrete Utility Vaults
Garden State Precast produces a wide range of NJDOT, NJTA, PSE&G and JCP&L utility vaults.
For non-standard items, send us an email or give us a call and we will gladly get to work helping you on your next project.
Paul Heidt
V.P. of Specialty Sales
732-938-4436 ext 128

Precast Concrete Sanitary Structures
Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalogue Cuts
48 in. Sanitary Manhole
48 in. Sanitary Manhole Doghouse
48 in. Sanitary Manhole T Lock
48 in. Sanitary Manhole Drop Base
60 in. Sanitary Manhole
60 in. Sanitary Manhole Doghouse
72 in. Sanitary Manhole
72 in. Sanitary Manhole Doghouse
96 in. Sanitary Manhole
96 in. Sanitary Manhole Doghouse
Sanitary Wet Well with Top
Flexible Seals
STS Gasket-Style Single Offset Joint

Available Coatings
MasterGuard 400
Manhole Steps
Lining Systems
T-Lock PVC Sheet Liner
Sanitary Castings
Precast Concrete Storm Structures
Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalogue Cuts
48 in. Storm Manhole
60 in. Storm Manhole
72 in. Storm Manhole
84 in. Storm Manhole
96 in. Storm Manhole
42" x 48" C Inlet
30" x 48" D Inlet
6' O.D. Seepage Pit
8' O.D. Seepage Pit
24" x 24" Y Inlet
22" x 48" A Inlet
48" x 54" B1 Inlet
48" x 66" B2 Inlet
42" x 102" Double B1 Inlet
4' x 6' Catch Basin Slab
6' x 6' Catch Basin Slab
Storm B Conversion Slab
NJDOT A Inlet Casting with 4, 6 and 8 Curbs

Flexible Seals
Available Coatings
Precast Concrete Trench Drains
Garden State Precast is an industry leader in manufacturing precast trench drains. We offer several differ ent size trench drains that can be made to work with a variety of trench drain grates. A precast trench drain can help solve your drainage problems, and installation is fast! Contact us for more information or a quote today.
Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalogue Cuts
Trench Drain Type 1
Trench Drain Type 2
Trench Drain Type 1A
Cast In Frame and Grates
Domestic 6560 Frame and 6455 Grate
Domestic 6515 Frame and 6456 Grate

Concrete Electric Utilities
Precast Concrete Light Pole Foundations
Precast light pole foundations allow you to easily place lamp poles on the jobsite. We have standard forms that allow us to pour 18", 24", and 30" diameter light pole foundations with heights up to 12'. We adjust the plate to form whatever bolt pattern you need. The anchor bolts, conduit and any special hardware are typically supplied by the contractor. So stop worrying about pouring the bases in the field and give us a call.
Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalog Cuts

Concrete Electric Utilities
NJTA Precast Products
Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalog Cuts
NJTA Type 1 Light Pole Base
NJTA Type 2 Light Pole Base
NJTA Type 3 Light Pole Base

Concrete Electric Utilities
PSE&G Precast Products
Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalog Cuts
6 x 12 Line Manhole
18 x 18 Light Pole
28 x 30 Handhole
28 x 60 Handhole
69 KV Manhole
74 x 70 Transformer Pad

Concrete Electric Utilities
NJDOT Precast Products
Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalog Cuts
Junction Box ITS Type B
Junction Box
P-MC Foundation
SFK Foundation
SFT Foundation
SPF Foundation
STF Foundation

Stone Strong

There are Stone Strong blocks. Then there’s everything else. With the biggest, best and most innovative precast block in the industry, Stone Strong Systems delivers fully and intelligently engineered retaining wall solutions that greatly reduce installation time and labor costs — with unmatched safety, durability and aesthetics. Stone Strong Systems’ fully and intelligently engineered block technology allows for a lighter, interlocking block that greatly reduces installation time and labor costs.
ROADWAY - The better way to wall a highway – Stone Strong Systems has undergone rigorous review by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC) to verify conformance with AASHTO standards and specifications. Meets DOT approval.
COMMERCIAL - Big-time projects demand big-time blocks – Stone Strong Systems’ gravity walls are capable of heights in excess of 20 feet. Meanwhile, with proper engineering and reinforcement, Stone Strong MSE walls have topped nearly 50 feet.
RESIDENTIAL - Make impossibly hard projects impossibly easy – Stone Strong Systems’ tapered block edges provide the versatility needed to contour to any landscape, including straight, convex, concave and circular designs.
If you would like more information on the most cost-efficient retaining wall out there, give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.

Learn more: Click to download pdf specifications
Catalogue Cuts
(C) Corner Block
(P) Cap Block
(P5) Half Cap Block
(Q) and (Q5) Dual Faced Block
(QS) and (Q5S) Dual Faced Block Finished Ends
(QS) and (Q5S) Dual Faced Block Open Ends
(R) Corner Block
(S) End Top Block
(T) End Block(U) Top Block
(V) Block
(W) Top Block
(X) Block
(Y) Top Block
(Z) Block99io